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Meet Kellie


My special gift is helping beautiful women just like you learn to believe in the magic of life again, and  to open up their hearts to receiving and to fully knowing what self-love means.  I can interpret your signs and synchronicities and assist you through your awakening and help reveal your purpose for being here. And, when you join my Self Love Club, you'll also share the journey with  a tribe of like-minded, heart-led souls.


I guide people using wisdom from my ‘Mary Poppins bag of magic’ – knowledge and skills I have picked up and used during my own spiritual awakening. I’ve always been a seeker of knowledge. I love to  learn new things, and  share that knowledge in a way that is easy to understand and accessible for you. Believe me when I say that no matter how wonderful I look in my professional photos, (thank you Ingrid Talosi), I have definitely got the scars to prove my qualifications in life!


Aside from the life lessons, I’ve had a colourful career in wellbeing for more than 25 years. I sold my successful yoga and pilates studio in October 2018 to free myself up to fully commit to myself to my purpose here, which is to help you do the same.


At heart, I’m really just a normal girl from Essex, England who has experimented with life a lot and got it wrong a lot. I’d describe myself essentially as a hippie with a pixie spirit but also a rebellious gypsy rock-chick punk, with a sprinkle of Einstein.

Yes, I am yogi vegan but I believe we make our own faces as we grow, and you must do whatever is authentic and true to you. My wish is to help you find that.


Why am I the best guide for you?


I’ve always been a bit of a Pollyanna, finding something to be glad about, no matter what. This as it turns out, is a bit of a life saver, particularly when I’ve been shown the darkness that came along to crack me open, to let the light in. Although I have been learning to put many imaginary fears to rest I still seem to have the courage to take a leap of faith into the unknown. Someone has to go first! I think maybe this is one of my gifts to bring to you. I see the signs.


Using a variety of methods from yoga, meditation, moon magic, manifesting, oracle cards or even sound healing to name but a few, there will be something that brings an ‘aha’ moment for you. Many say it’s my storytelling that’s my superpower so it might be just reading my blogs or upcoming books that causes a miracle mindshift.


Aside from running my own yoga and pilates business for 16 years, I have had a previous career as a dancer in theatre and have trained in many holistic therapies from EFT and NLP to Reflexology and Reiki. I’m an advanced Strala Yoga guide, an expert in the pilates method and have been a practising yogi for 20 years. I have presented alongside Deepak Chopra, Sadie Nardini and Gillian Michaels in LA and trained with Tara Stiles in New York. I’ve written many articles for magazines and am a self-confessed Hayhouse book junkie! I can’t wait to see my own book on the shelves.

As well as working one to one I also run workshops, in-person and online as well as Sound Journey events and retreats to the woods.

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